BOTOX® Cosmetic is the Most Popular
Cosmetic Procedure in the World.

BOTOX® Cosmetic is a simple, non-surgical procedure for temporarily reducing the appearance of aging in adult women and men aged 18 to 65 by reducing moderate to severe glabellar lines – the vertical frown lines between the eyebrows that look like an “11”. BOTOX® Cosmetic reduces the activity of the muscles that cause the “11s” to form by blocking nerve impulses that trigger wrinkle-causing muscle contractions, creating an improved appearance between the brows. Results can last up to four months and may vary with each patient. Ask your doctor if BOTOX® Cosmetic is right for you.

BOTOX is best suited to addressing the following issues:

  • Forehead lines
  • Frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines)
  • Lines beside the eyes (crow’s feet)
  • Lines around the mouth and lips (perioral wrinkles)

Wrinkles on the neck
BOTOX is also useful in treating muscle spasms, excessive sweating, migraines, and upper motor neuron syndrome. Dermal fillers such as JUVEDERM are often combined with BOTOX to plump up deeper lines and wrinkles or restore lost facial volume.

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