Acne Scars Backgrounder

Sublative is the only technology proven to reduce moderate to severe acne scars for all skin types. The Sublative™ RF applicator is designed to deliver radiofrequency energy to the skin in a fractional manner, via an array of multi-electrode pins. The array delivers bipolar RF energy to the skin. Microscopic zones of epidermis and dermis are thermally ablated in a grid over the skin surface, where non-ablated zones serve as a reservoir of cells that promote rapid healing.

Striae Distensae

BackgrounderThe Sublative RF treatment has been shown to be an effective and very safe procedure for all skin types with minimal side effects, discomfort, or downtime. Sublative technology is neither laser nor light based. Instead, this one-of-a-kind technology uses fractionated bi-polar radiofrequency directed to the skin in the form of a matrix.

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