Our Services
In-House Lab Testing
We prioritize your time and convenience. That’s why our In-Lab Testing facilities ensure that physician-ordered laboratory tests are available onsite at Rejuvimed Wellness Center.
For Your Whole Family
We offer a full range of medical services targeted to all adult members of your family.
Everything In One Place
Aside from Urgent Care services, Rejuvimed Wellness Center also offers Family Medicine, Anti-Aging & Medspa, and Diagnostic & Therapy services. Now you don’t have to go to several locations for different treatments.
Follow-Up Care
Our care doesn’t end when you leave our premises. With our Aftercare Services, we’ll check up with you after your visit and even coordinate with other specialists for your next visits.
Providing maximum comfort to our patients is our top priority. We take the time to know you individually, carefully assess your needs and offer the best treatment options for you.